My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Particulars: Contemporary Romance, Harlequin Superromance, available both in print and e-book
Why was it in my TBR? I picked it up for Smart Bitch Sarah’s bookclub, but I never got around to read it.
The Review:
The blurb:
If Jocelyn Swann weren't so furious she'd probably laugh. Her best friend, Dan Jansen, has launched a campaign worthy of his Special Forces Training to arrange their wedding, from music and minister to flowers and food. What part of no does he not understand?
Their marriage agreement was a tipsy scrawl on the back of a coaster three years ago. It's not a question of love. Of course she loves Dan. She's loved him all her life. If only she could get him to slow down a minute and listen - to be the friend she needs right now - she could convince him that marriage would ruin everything.
My impressions:
This is the first book by Karina Bliss that I have read. And I must say, I am impressed. In a limited space created a funny, yet touching story about love, and acceptance.
I smiled when I read about their courting. How Jo stubbornly insisted it was a joke, while Dan calmly continued to prepare for the wedding.. Jo’s reasons for refusing to marry Dan makes sense. He is wounded after the death of his friends. And, he needs to accept that he isn’t to blame.
I liked that Jo gradually realised that she couldn’t take care of her grandmother any. The way it was portrayed felt realistic.
All in all this was an enjoyable story, and I will definitely read more by Karina Bliss!
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