To play along, just answer the following questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?
Currently reading:

Uh..Nothing. Ok, technically, I am
re-reading Fatal Affair by Marie Force, but I think it will be a DNF
for me. It isn't
bad I just don't care about the characters.
( Probably stems from the fact that I wish she had finished the series at book 4
Recently read:

Horatio Lyle by Catherine Webb. I
bought this because Kari Sperring recced her Urban Fantasy novels, written as Kate Griffin. I liked it, it wasn't perfect, but it was good.

Reading next:
Well... Rocky Mountail Rebel by Vivian Arend was released yesterday, and I am itching to buy a book. So it is high up on the list.
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