My grade: 5 of 5 stars.
The Book: Kat among Pigeons by Lazette Gifford
The Particulars: Urban Fantasy, indie, available from Smashwords, Kindle, PubIt
Why was it in my TBR? I have wanted to read this book for ages.
The Review:
The blurb:
Katlyn is a member of a fae clan whose job is to stand the line between human and magical lands, a secret she has trouble hiding from her new human boyfriend even before she unexpectedly finds the fate of the world in her hands.
She isn't magically strong, and unlike other fae who understand all animals, she only caught birds and cats -- not a good combination. However, when she isn't able to reach other fae for help, Kat and her boyfriend frantically fight the enemy with the aid of a lazy tom cat, an African gray parrot who only speaks in verse, and a wise-cracking cockatiel with a bad attitude.
She's trying very hard not to think the world is doomed.
My impressions:
I have read a lot of urban fantasy, and a few of them hooks me at the first attempt. This book managed. Oh my. This book is wonderful. It hooked me from the first line. It starts with a hint of trouble, and from there the trouble just grow. I loved that Kat didn’t have a lot of power, she used what she had in a wise way. The banter between Kat and her animal friends were hilarious. I liked the romance plot between Kat and the Photographer. And. Well. I liked everything with it actually!
It is a bargain at 1.99, better than many novel published by traditional publishers. The good part? She has a slew of other novels planned for this year.
You can buy it from Smashwords.
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